Monday, April 8, 2024

Biophysics Theory

Something that I was wondering about is how maybe the planet orbits create a time loop and our future is also in our past.  And something funny that could happen in the year four thousand is that there is a black hole that people mistake for a solar eclipse. The people are going to see it in the sky and say hey there is an eclipse, but then they feel a force and the earth is sucked into the black hole.  This becomes the main seal of the time loop, where time becomes a continuous loop with no break whatsoever.  It is kind of scary because to imagine it would seem like one of those drawings where a snake eats its tail.  And in the Bible when it talks about the beginning of time, there is a snake in the garden.  Could that perhaps refer to this time loop and everyone is trapped in the “snake age” stomach as we live our lives?  That would also match the idea of salvation in the bible. Probably I should start telling my theory to the scientists and theology people.  One of my friends teaches college Physics and I thought about telling him my other theory about the universe expanding and how everyone thinks of it all expanding uniformly but in the paper towel commercials when they spill the orange kool-aid, it makes an uneven shape. That is why after I explain these theories to everyone, I will serve kool-aid.  Well something like that has happened before, hasn’t it.  Yes it has, and maybe it is because of the time loop.

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