Monday, March 10, 2025

The sealed envelope

 Fifi went to her mailbox one Friday after a busy week and found a letter addressed to her. But when she went to open it, she saw that it said “Do not open.” She wondered if that was written with her in mind or was telling other people not to open her mail.

She decided to open the letter. A thousand horrid monsters flurried out of the envelope and a gray cloud or rumbling smoke filled her neighborhood.  There was fire everywhere and shrieking flapping ghosts that screamed “it said do not open.”

Fifi did not know what to do. She felt that the envelope was addressed to her and it was her choice.  

She called her lawyer and told him what happened. 

Are there still horrible creatures swarming the neighborhood?”


“Ok, what you need is another envelope that says, "open," and then do not open it, and it will lure all the varmits back into their world. 

“Where can I get a letter like that?” asked Fifi.

“I will send you one,” said the lawyer.

But it will take several days to get to me.”

“Well you need to be patient.”

Fifi stayed in a motel for the weekend and then came back to her mailbox and found her lawyer's letter.  The plan worked and when she opened the envelope, all the scary sights and sounds hurried back into the mail.

Fifi was relieved but then found another piece of mail which was the legal bill. It was for five thousand dollars.  It was worth it to her but there was something curious, which was that the envelope had the same pattern as the envelope that said do not open.  She realized it was a lawyer scam. She reported it to the better business bureau and they recovered damages worth over ten million dollars. 

The moral of this story is be careful with your personal info.

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