Thursday, October 17, 2024

A stretch of the imagination

If all the humans on earth

ever agreed on one thing 

we could all have 

I bet it would be

a giant piece of taffy bigger than the sky.


People say why not world peace.

Well it’s like irony,

you agree on the taffy 

and then there’s the peace. 

In fact, all along, we just spelled piece wrong.

Monday, July 8, 2024

A Snappy Comeback

Fifi decided to go to the Thai restaurant a mile from her house. She had vowed to eat there once when she walked by on her way home, so finally one day she stopped by for a meal.  She ordered chicken curry and a snapple. The snapple looked cloudy in the sunlight and it made her think of a recent kidney problem that caused certain symptoms, which is to say cloudy urine.  Fifi chuckled to herself and thought about how it would be funny to say that in polite company. In fact, she started imagining a scenario where she would go out to eat with a date and meet his parents, and then say to them, this snapple reminds me of cloudy urine from kidney problems.  

Fifi hopped online and started an account on a dating site.  She set the location radius to very nearby so that she could meet someone close to the Thai restaurant.  That way, it would be believable when she invited his parents to eat there too.  It would take time to set it all up but it would be a really funny story to tell friends some day.

A guy quickly found her profile and started a communication.  Fifi said she was interested in meeting up, and they arranged a date the very next day.  It was, of course, at the Thai restaurant.

To Fifi’s surprise, the guy ordered snapple.  Fifi used a lot of self control to save her joke for when she could say it in front of other more proper people and embarrass this very person.

But when the waitress brought out the cold large glass of pink snapple, and one for Fifi as well, the guy said, Gosh, it’s cloudy. It reminds me of the pee from my kidney problems.

Fifi could not believe it.  “you have kidney problems?”

“Yeah,” said the guy named steve. “Soon I will have to go to dialysis.”

Fifi looked at Steve and felt her life change.  “Do you need someone to go to dialysis with you?” she said.

“Yeah,” said Steve.  “I would love that.  But you don’t have to.”

“I have kidney problems, too,” said Fifi.

Fifi and Steve knew then they were meant for each other and they faced their declining health together.

This story was sponsored by Snapple.

Thursday, May 23, 2024


Work is worth it, years of toil

Things to live for on this soil

Wages, people, status, land.

Earning things in high demand.

You want the houses boats and cars

But some nice things just come in jars

Through all life’s goals that seem so tough

Strawberry jam might be enough.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

“Now York City”

I wonder what New York City is like in heaven.  

Is it all the neighborhoods preserved, 

or different time periods lined up in a row?  

The bible talks about the new Jerusalem.  

I wonder if that is where everyone lives 

or if some people can live in the new new york city. 

So maybe they did not brand that well,

Because it would say “new” twice.

Well maybe there is a lot of newness to it.

Or maybe we should call ourselves Old York now.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Biophysics Theory

Something that I was wondering about is how maybe the planet orbits create a time loop and our future is also in our past.  And something funny that could happen in the year four thousand is that there is a black hole that people mistake for a solar eclipse. The people are going to see it in the sky and say hey there is an eclipse, but then they feel a force and the earth is sucked into the black hole.  This becomes the main seal of the time loop, where time becomes a continuous loop with no break whatsoever.  It is kind of scary because to imagine it would seem like one of those drawings where a snake eats its tail.  And in the Bible when it talks about the beginning of time, there is a snake in the garden.  Could that perhaps refer to this time loop and everyone is trapped in the “snake age” stomach as we live our lives?  That would also match the idea of salvation in the bible. Probably I should start telling my theory to the scientists and theology people.  One of my friends teaches college Physics and I thought about telling him my other theory about the universe expanding and how everyone thinks of it all expanding uniformly but in the paper towel commercials when they spill the orange kool-aid, it makes an uneven shape. That is why after I explain these theories to everyone, I will serve kool-aid.  Well something like that has happened before, hasn’t it.  Yes it has, and maybe it is because of the time loop.