Sunday, December 26, 2021

Christmas Pines Song for the Deluded

“If hopes be dupes, then fears may be liars”
 -Arthur Hugh Clough


You can’t hide from Christmas Day, it will find you.

And the presents that you get, will remind you


Of the many years before of more delusions,

Being crushed on Christmas day, in confusion.


Finding out that those you liked don’t like you back,

And at dinner hiding grief for what you lack.


So you try to stay in bed or take a walk,

Hoping time will pass you by and you won’t stalk.


But the day will run you over like a truck

Even though you thought that life would never suck


If the pain just hurts again then you can pray

For the other people also not okay.


And you know that in the million years to follow

There’s a love that heals all hearts still feeling hollow


So please stay alive and wait for nicer times now

Even though that no one really knows how


It is true that there’s a hope so real it blinds you

And I pray that better Christmas Days will find you.

Thursday, October 7, 2021


What if someone told you
that you had pre-traumatic stress disorder
and then ran you over with their car?

Wishing Well Poem






Slot Machines,


Gumball Dispensers,


Or just a magic trick on an elbow.


I think I'll choose 


the plunk in the fountain


and a prayer to say


I wish you well.

just a little joke

what if there was a new ride at Disney World 

called Journey into Tomorrow’s Problems 

and it is one of those simulation rides 

and they shake everyone violently and spray acid on them

two poems about the same topic

 prayers for the well


doesn't every girl want to be the dame in the movie who faints,

and every guy the wounded soldier being tended to?

I will not take for granted 

that things I took for granted are gone.

Between winces and sighs,

and sinces and whys,

I'll defiantly spend my credit

that surely I get for this pain

on praying up some blessings 

for the ones not sick but sane.

For everyone still living life and sinning and forgiving

I'll use my tears and pained arears

to bless the lands of living.

Why not? As thank you prayers

for when I was like that too,

with wishes, wants, and hopes, and cares,

and begged for dreams come true.

So now when nightmares haunt me here

and health is shaky, filled with fear,

I'll keep in mind requests for all

who find their life an easy call

Why shouldn't they each get a boost

from prayers that no one thought be loosed

Some coins are for the pinball games,

to ease the loss of health and names.

but some are going straight in wells

for all the well, til heaven's hell

and we are singing, well well well.


Prayer Power


"pray for my mom, she's crying and dying,"

well you should know without me lying

That God must hear the most from those

who suffer pains while in repose

So patient, I will say to thee

That she should think to pray for me.

Friday, September 3, 2021

Lines at the Grocery Store


Buying a box of cereal you don't like, just to punish yourself.


Then committing any crime, so as to confuse everyone on Judgement Day.


Why not just steal the box of cereal, some may ask.


Why not indeed. Except a brand you like which is Frosted Flakes.


It can be stolen retroactively if you spend your righteousness credit

on asking God to take away other people's blessings.


I guess good theology is hard to come by,


And that is why ad slogans can work just as well 


if the slogan says something like:


buy a can of raid be gone or sing a song to get along,

that's where the cookies come from.


Your total is 50 dollars and 99 sins. 

Friday, June 11, 2021


what if you ran 80 miles

and then saw

that the finish line

was a wall of flame

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Killer Comedy and the Comedy Killer

Francisco was a comedian in the very populated metro region of the south north quadrant.  His shows had been getting more consistent, and he had a steady income from selling CDs and teaching some workshops.  Most of his jokes were about dating, and office work, or funny things about relatives and awkward conversations.  One night, in the middle of a show, he suddenly thought of a new joke and just blurted it out with no planning.

            “What if someone was born with clothes on?” he said, standing at the mike while the audience roared laughing.  The joke’s appreciative reception was as unexpected as the joke itself. Francisco started riffing on it, creating a wave of humor for the laughter to surf on. “It’s like, okay, do you wash the clothes on the baby, or what.  Like is the baby just supposed to always have clothes on?”  One guy in the middle of the comedy club was laughing harder than everyone.  Francisco continued.  “And do you tell people? Like if they say what a cute outfit, do you say, “thanks, it’s from that store downtown, called Miracle Baby.” Francisco kept thinking of more to say. “Wouldn’t you feel guilty if you had a baby shower and some people would like know that the baby already had an outfit, like the muppets, like Ernie and Bert who wear the same shirt every day?”

            The guy laughing so hard in the middle of the crowd could not stop laughing.  He was keeled over, clutching his stomach, drooling.  His girlfriend next to him slowed her laughing and started to look concerned.  A few other people nearby also seemed in distress, but mostly able to calm down.  Francisco saw him but decided to go for one final punch. “It’s like, okay, so much for hand me downs, you know?”

            This is when the drooling guy fell off his chair, and was suddenly motionless.  He had died laughing.  Some people came to his side and tried to call for medical attention.  Many people still could not control themselves laughing and just left the comedy club. 

            Francisco watched from the stage, started to feel an odd feeling of pride, with some serious bafflement, but then smirked to himself, left the stage, and sat in a back room feeling a sense of power that he felt he had waited for all his life. “I was born for this,” he thought to himself, laughing, hesitating to make sure he would not die from his own joke, and then leaving to go home.

            The joke became part of his routine, and because he toured all around from city to city, people didn’t realize there was a pattern happening when someone would die at every show.  

            “I’m a freakin’ serial killer,” thought Francisco, and then wondered if he could work that idea into the routine some. 

            Finally, at one of the shows as Francisco started talking about what kind of outfit a kid could be born in, like would it have a whale on the pocket or do you make the kid keep wearing the hat and socks or not, people started to lose control like usual.  But a heckler stood up and started giving Francisco trouble.  “Hey man, what we are wondering is what kind of outfit you’re going to jail in,” said the guy standing up.  Some FBI agents then came on stage and took Francisco to the station for questioning. The heckler walked up behind the microphone and said, “This isn’t funny to me.  I was born with clothes on.”

Friday, March 26, 2021

pretty funny

what are we going to say

when we get to heaven

and it's just Jesus 

sitting at a typewriter.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

the innocence and the competency

What is needed is magic water to break a spell.


Antifa has to sign your social work license 


or you can’t be a Christian counselor.


You think it’s Africa but it’s Mars


You think it’s them but it’s us


Trump is going to put Andrew Jackson 


On every bill


which works out


If it means he has to pay for it all.


what is a jubilee


If not an explosion


Of jelly beans on easter.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

two new poems


I am going to copyright

blue rectangles

so that anyone who uses

that shape in a drawing

has to pay me 50 dollars.



Literary Edition


I think a good alternate title

for the Bible could have been

"A Very Special Whale"

because of the part in the story

with Jonah and the giant fish.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021


people are saying "one smooth stone."


that was so sweet.


thanks conspiracy


thanks bean pod factory senders


if you were on square 9 in any september


then you have just won the flatch ratchet skill flag marble.


They said don't say any more poems


if what you are really trying to do


is a math problem.


That is a good idea.


To just say


the answer is 938 plus a repeating fraction,


and then let God think of the math problem


at some other time in history.


So you can say 


you were right all along


and a mathematician.


And maybe some people didn't think of that trick,


but still had a phone number,


or a sight of green leaves,


and their life turns out okay.

"Don't argue with God's decretive will."

Something I have always found crazy

is how there aren't many potpourri scents

called "electrical fire."









Wednesday, February 10, 2021

What is the Problem

I'm very rude to America

even though America

hasn't been that rude to me

except for the subway ads

and bad music.

There are freight trains of thought

and roller coasters of thought.

There are Cassandra Crossing movies

about a virus on trains

and that is why we play the piano

on a Tuesday morning

for volunteer work

and a golden coin

from who?

Possibly from Moses

or a cartoon cow

who says moo when you

tell him your problem.

This poem will probably

fix everything

if people read it plus

fix everything.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Inaugural Poem II

Obama is my favorite president. 

I think they should rename Alabama



obama gave us a health care bill

the other presidents just made us ill.


abraham lincoln wasnt that bad.

james madison did not make me too mad.


but some presidents say words like pre-existing conditions, 

when really the goal should have been reparitions


That is why I am voting for bernie

to take all the cash that the rich people earnie.

new years resolutions

i have a problem wasting food 

and doing bad too much.

I waste the cheese and then the cream

and then the such and such.


but there is proof that i am not

as bad as it all sounds

i can't have wasted everything

to be 200 pounds.

Sunday, January 3, 2021


they said this is not a game.

you dont have to concede, you dont have to secede.

you dont have to exceed, you dont have to expel or repel.

you can just be a presbyterian.

it sounds complicated but that is so it will be a surprise

when you find out you dont have to do anything.

like not even clean your apartment

do dishes

care about anyone

or stop the inappropriate fixation on mice and rodents

which might have been the secret all along anyway.


God is saying to everyone

I told you not to squawk wrong

or say you don't want a birthday present on halloween.

I will think of something to say, too,

like how am i and how are you.

now i say the code once more

thats 5168234.

it unlocks a building near

down the street on second pier.

there are treasures, food and ham

unless i'm joking which I am.