Thursday, January 21, 2021

Inaugural Poem II

Obama is my favorite president. 

I think they should rename Alabama



obama gave us a health care bill

the other presidents just made us ill.


abraham lincoln wasnt that bad.

james madison did not make me too mad.


but some presidents say words like pre-existing conditions, 

when really the goal should have been reparitions


That is why I am voting for bernie

to take all the cash that the rich people earnie.

new years resolutions

i have a problem wasting food 

and doing bad too much.

I waste the cheese and then the cream

and then the such and such.


but there is proof that i am not

as bad as it all sounds

i can't have wasted everything

to be 200 pounds.

Sunday, January 3, 2021


they said this is not a game.

you dont have to concede, you dont have to secede.

you dont have to exceed, you dont have to expel or repel.

you can just be a presbyterian.

it sounds complicated but that is so it will be a surprise

when you find out you dont have to do anything.

like not even clean your apartment

do dishes

care about anyone

or stop the inappropriate fixation on mice and rodents

which might have been the secret all along anyway.


God is saying to everyone

I told you not to squawk wrong

or say you don't want a birthday present on halloween.

I will think of something to say, too,

like how am i and how are you.

now i say the code once more

thats 5168234.

it unlocks a building near

down the street on second pier.

there are treasures, food and ham

unless i'm joking which I am.