Saturday, November 11, 2017

Salvation is not all that God does

When people repay my kindness
With ding dang ding dang
Chopple chopple bing bang
I stand up and sing a song of freedom
And I open a briefcase
With a little mouse inside
That holds a tiny poster saying
Everything God does
Is salvation.

cursive and red ink

God is not pleased
With some of my ways and means.
And sayings and doings
And glances and musings.
With some of my wheelings and dealings
And thoughts and feelings.
And my no good two faced underhanded
yellow bellied crooked swindles.
My snap flap clap trap escpades.
And yet my name is written
In the one and only
Book of life
And the ink and signature
Was probably lifted
With a carbon print
Right off of one of my traffic tickets.